10 Fascinating Facts About Ghana & Our Flag

For many countries, the flag serves as a powerful symbol of national pride, authority and identity. And also its history is rife with fascinating anecdotes and events. It was on March 6, 1957, that the people of the Republic of Ghana finally gained their freedom from the yoke of their oppressors, the British.

When the time came to design a flag to represent Ghana’s freedom and battle against tyranny, the task was arguably even more difficult than achieving independence.

This is a must-read for everyone interested in the flag’s journey from conception to its current place in the world’s flagpole, as it provides a fascinating insight into the flag’s history.

Facts About Ghana & The Flag

1. The National Flag of Ghana was designed and unfurled for the first time on March 6, 1957. Marking the country’s independence from the United Kingdom after over 500 years of colonial subjugation. It served as a symbol of the country’s battle against British rule.

2. Before independence, Ghana was known as the Gold Coast because of its mineral wealth, which is why the National Flag of Ghana has a golden stripe.

3. The slaughter and suffering endured by the people of this region for over five centuries is symbolized by the red stripe on the flag. Slavery and cheap labor were common practices among European settlers.  Also including the Spanish, the Dutch and the British from the beginning of European colonization.

4. Agricultural wealth is represented by the green stripe on the flag, and evidence of this may still be seen today. High-quality coffee and chocolate are produced and exported from Ghana, one of the world’s top producers and exporters.

Ghana Flag; A Symbol of Identity

5. The struggle for independence in Ghana was one of those events which had been going on since the first arrival of the Europeans. But it never got the proper support that it deserved. Small outbursts were a common sight all throughout the five centuries of dominance. But the locals did not have much of a scope to be united. As they had little or no means of communication with distant villages. Which was one thing that the Europeans had mastered and it had helped them to conquer this great nation.

One of the main reasons for the cruelty against the local people was because of their skin color. As black was considered to be unattractive. Which is why upon their independence they chose the logo of The Black Star Shipping Line. Which was considered to be one of the main reasons to their oppression as Ghana was a profitable port for export. The black star was one of their greatest achievements as it stood as a sign of Ghana being a free black nation.

6. It was the union with Guinea in 1959 that resulted in the design of the flag with two stars. As well as the formation of the Union of African States. Because Guinea lacked a national symbol, the union with Ghana created a new two-star flag. With one star representing Ghana and the other representing the newly independent country of Guinea, which became known as the Star of Africa.

The African Unity

7. The inclusion of Mali as an independent republic in the Union of African States happened in May 1959. This was the event that resulted in the addition of the third star to the national flag of the country.

The Union of African States (UAS) was founded just two years before then, and disputes erupted as each country vied to be in leadership of the organization. This was one of the primary causes for Ghana’s dissolution in 1962. After which the country returned to its old flag, but with a white center stripe instead of the usual yellow stripe, as a symbol of reconciliation.

9. It was in response to widespread public demand. And also a remembrance of their rich past that the notion of bringing back the original Ghana flag. Which was first used in 1957 following the country’s independence, began to be promoted throughout the country. Another major problem that prompted the government to reinstall their former national flag in 1966 was the question of national pride.

10. Saving the best for last is a good strategy. Going through our list of some fascinating facts about the Ghana flag you need to know. The most important thing about the flag is Ghana was one of the first countries to embrace the Pan-African colors. Which were originally used in Ethiopia’s flag and were then adopted by other African countries.

For many, the flag is just a symbol of a country’s identity. But if you look closer, you will discover that every flag has a fascinating story of struggle and triumph to tell.