How to Start a Business in Ghana – All you need to know

Anyone can start a business in Ghana, provided they have the starting capital. Again, you should know the rules and regulations about how to start a business in Ghana. These rules and regulations are made to be complied with. There are also Government institutions that provide education and support to both new and existing Businesses.

Notable among them is the Ghana Investment Promotion Center (GIPC). Research to know the rules and regulations for starting a business in Ghana. This way, you can abide by them.

About 50% of the GDP of Ghana is from the services sector. Industrialization is a challenge in Ghana. This is why the government has instituted interventions to boost industrialization in Ghana. People will be encouraged to start businesses, which will grow the economy.

There are a lot of business opportunities that can be utilized to create wealth. To start a business means you already have a business idea you want to develop. The steps below provide a detailed guide on how to start a business in Ghana.



First, you create a plan for the business you want to set up.

Below are some of the things you can consider when drawing a plan for your business:

  • Write a brief description of your business, the kind of products or services you will offer, and the timeframe set for you to reach your target.
  • Determine how your company will be identified. The name you will use for the registration, location, address, and skill set needed for your company to succeed.
  • State what you want to achieve, short-term and long-term, and the products and services you will offer.
  • Research your competitors to know their shortfalls and how to do better than them.
  • Determine the marketing strategy you will use to sell your product or service.
  • Strategize how to manage your finances. Check how to balance your profits and losses.
  • Then you get your tax identification number from the nearest GRA office.
  • When you get to the GRA office for your TIN registration, you will be required to provide:
  • A photocopy of your Ghana card in colored format
  • Apart from the Ghana Revenue Authority, you can get your TIN from the Registrar General Department.

Secure your business by registering at the Registrar Generals Department. The following is a detailed breakdown of how to register a business or company in Ghana:

  • Name of the company you are going to establish.
  • What is the nature of the business you are going to establish?
  • The preferred name and address for your business. The name will be verified in their database if it’s not double-used. The details of shareholders, the percentage of shares they hold, and roles will also be asked.
  • The entire details of the first directors of your company. It is required by law that every company has at least 2 directors. A director of a company should be at least 21 years old.
  • The full names and addresses of your company secretary and an auditor who will check your finances.
  • The starting capital of the company and the number of shares the company has that are to be registered.

Create an Account that will be used entirely for your business. The needed information to create a business bank Account are;

  • The incorporation certificate
  • Business certificate to commence business
  • You will be required to provide the signatures of authorized company ambassadors.
  • Reference letter from your Auditor.
  • Evidence to prove that all signatories provided are Ghanaians.
  • Fill and Submit account opening forms
  • Provide 2 passport-size pictures of the signatories
  • ID card numbers and TIN numbers of directors and signatories.
  • Your company TIN.

Apply for a business Permit from the Metropolitan, Municipal, or District Assembly in which jurisdiction your business is located. Information needed for business Permit application are;

  • Go to the Assembly to buy application forms for a business permit.
  • Fill in all the information requested on the forms. Submit the completed forms to the Revenue Mobilization Officer (RMO).
  • Add the business certificate you received from the Registrar General’s office.
  • Add other certifications about your business.
  • Include your Tax clearance certificate acquired from the Ghana Revenue Authority.
  • Process of acquiring a business Permit
  • The Finance, Environmental Health, and Engineering team will be tasked to conduct an assessment at your company within 5 days after presenting your documents.

After the assessment, the team will present their findings to the Assembly for further action within two working days. The Assembly will approve your application after confirming all the information presented.

Now you need to sign up for Social Security. Procedure to sign up:

  • Reserve an arrangement at the closest SSNIT office
  • Go with all the necessary documents.
  • Certificate to Start Business acquired from the local assembly.
  • Your Tax identification number.
  • Information about the directors and managers of your company
  • Identification cards of directors and managers of your company.
  • The number of employees you have and their SSNIT numbers.

An SSNIT official will help you fill your forms with all your information. Your application will be processed after successfully submitting your forms. After successfully processing your application a confirmation letter with your company’s SSNIT number will be given to you. This confirms your SSNIT membership.

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